1. Куча / Говнокод #24002


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    Знали ли вы, что пердёж - лучший момент для безболезненного сования своего пальца в свой анус? Дело в том, что когда из прямой кишки выходит газ, сфинктер сам пригласительно
    раскрывается, давая тем самым возможность вставить туда всё, что угодно, без каких-либо болезненных ощущений. Но тут важно успеть - счёт идёт на десятые доли секунды.

    g0_1494033395677, 26 Марта 2018

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  2. C# / Говнокод #24001


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    public List<SpecialtyToCollege> SpecialtyToCollegeForKcp(int collegeID)
    			List<SpecialtyToCollege> result = new List<SpecialtyToCollege>();
    			var allKcp = _dataContext.fkcKcp.Where(el => el.CollegeId == collegeID && el.Deleted == null && el.Year == 18 && el.Count != 0 && el.OrgId != 1382).ToList();
    			var lisitems = _dataContext.fkcListItems.ToList();
    			foreach (fkcKcp t in allKcp)
    				var LevelIds = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId).LevelID;
    				string FormTitle = "";
    				if (t.FormId == 7)
    					FormTitle = _dataContext.fkcListItems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == 8).Title;
    				else if (t.FormId == 8)
    					FormTitle = _dataContext.fkcListItems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == 7).Title;
    					FormTitle = _dataContext.fkcListItems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.FormId).Title;
    				fkcSpecialty spec = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId);
    				fkcOrganisation org = _dataContext.fkcOrganisation.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.OrgId);
    				if (spec != null && org != null)
    					string LevelTitle = lisitems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == LevelIds).Title;
    					int? Region = _dataContext.fkcOrganisation.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.OrgId).SubRegionID;
    					string OrgRegion = lisitems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == Region).Title;
    					result.Add(new SpecialtyToCollege(
    			return result;
    		public List<SpecialtyAndFormKcp> SpecialtyFormKcp()
    			List<SpecialtyAndFormKcp> result = new List<SpecialtyAndFormKcp>();
    			var allKcp = _dataContext.fkcKcp.Where(el => el.Deleted == null && el.Year == 18 && el.Count != 0 && el.OrgId != 1382).ToList();
    			var lisitems = _dataContext.fkcListItems.ToList();
    			foreach (fkcKcp t in allKcp)
    				var LevelIds = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId).LevelID;
    				string LevelTitle = "";
    				string Code = "";
    				string SpecTitle = "";
    				string FormTitle = "";
    				int FormId;
    				int SpecId;
    				if (t.FormId == 7)
    					FormTitle = _dataContext.fkcListItems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == 8).Title;
    				else if (t.FormId == 8)
    					FormTitle = _dataContext.fkcListItems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == 7).Title;
    					FormTitle = _dataContext.fkcListItems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.FormId).Title;
    				FormId = t.FormId;
    				LevelTitle = lisitems.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == LevelIds).Title;
    				Code = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId).Code;
    				SpecId = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId).id;
    				SpecTitle = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId).Title;
    				if (result.SingleOrDefault(el => el.SpecId == SpecId && el.FormTitle == FormTitle) == null)
    					result.Add(new SpecialtyAndFormKcp(SpecId, FormId, LevelTitle, Code, SpecTitle, FormTitle));
    			return result;
    		public List<KcpSpecOrgCollege> KcpSpecOrgCollege(int specID, int formID)
    			List<KcpSpecOrgCollege> result = new List<KcpSpecOrgCollege>();
    			var allKcp = _dataContext.fkcKcp
    				.Where(el => el.SpecId == specID && el.FormId == formID && el.Deleted == null && el.Year == 18 && el.Count != 0 && el.OrgId != 1382).ToList();
    			var lisitems = _dataContext.fkcListItems.ToList();
    			foreach (fkcKcp t in allKcp)
    				var SpecID = _dataContext.fkcSpecialties.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.SpecId).id;
    				var CollegeRegionID = _dataContext.fkcCollege.SingleOrDefault(el => el.id == t.CollegeId).RegionID;
    				string CollegeTitle = "";

    hadouken247, 26 Марта 2018

    Комментарии (1)
  3. JavaScript / Говнокод #24000


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    1024--, 26 Марта 2018

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  4. JavaScript / Говнокод #23999


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    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
    import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
    import Store from './src/Store';
    import { Header, CryptoContainer, ControlPanel, Homepage } from './src/components';
    import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer';
    import {
    } from 'react-native-router-flux';
    export default class App extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.state = { isOpen: false };
      toggleSidebar = () => {
        if (this.state.isOpen) {
        } else {
      onOpen = () => {
        this.setState({ isOpen: true });
      onClose = () => {
        this.setState({ isOpen: false });
      render() {
        // <View>
    //   <Header toggleSidebar={this.toggleSidebar} />
    //   <CryptoContainer />
    // </View>
        return (
           <Provider store={Store}>
                content={<ControlPanel />}
                ref={(ref) => this._drawer = ref}
                // open={true}
                <Header toggleSidebar={this.toggleSidebar} />
                {/* <CryptoContainer /> */}
                  <Stack key="root">
                    <Scene key="homepage" component={Homepage} title="Homepage" />

    wikus, 26 Марта 2018

    Комментарии (0)
  5. JavaScript / Говнокод #23998


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    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
    import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
    import Store from './src/Store';
    import { Header, CryptoContainer, ControlPanel, Homepage } from './src/components';
    import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer';
    import {
    } from 'react-native-router-flux';
    export default class App extends Component {
      constructor(props) {
        this.state = { isOpen: false };
      toggleSidebar = () => {
        if (this.state.isOpen) {
        } else {
      onOpen = () => {
        this.setState({ isOpen: true });
      onClose = () => {
        this.setState({ isOpen: false });
      render() {
        // <View>
    //   <Header toggleSidebar={this.toggleSidebar} />
    //   <CryptoContainer />
    // </View>
        return (
          <Provider store={Store}>
              content={<ControlPanel />}
              ref={(ref) => this._drawer = ref}
              // open={true}
                  <Stack key="root">
                    <Scene key="homepage" component={Homepage} title="Homepage" />

    wikus, 26 Марта 2018

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  6. PHP / Говнокод #23997


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    public function isSpecial()
    		$special_ids = array(
    		return in_array((int)$this->getId(), $special_ids);
            //return $this->getId() == 2222 || $this->getId() == 3028 || $this->getId() == 3333 || $this->getId() == 5555 || $this->getId() == 5702;

    Нашел поняшек

    inho, 26 Марта 2018

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  7. PHP / Говнокод #23996


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    if(get($_REQUEST, 'class') && $class = "{$conf['db']['prefix']}{$arg['modpath']}_". ($t = first(explode(" ", $_REQUEST['class'])))){
    	if($arg['admin_access'] > 1){
    		mpevent("ajax://{$arg['modpath']}:ajax/class:{$t}", $conf['user']['uid'], $_REQUEST);
    		$where = array_diff_key($_REQUEST, array_flip(array("class", "m", "null")));
    		$w = array("time"=>time()) + array_diff_key($_REQUEST, array("id"=>false));
    		if($arg['admin_access'] >= 2){
    			if(get($_POST, 'id') < 0){
    				qw("DELETE FROM {$class} WHERE ". implode(" AND ", array_map(function($k, $v){
    					return "`$k`=". (is_numeric($v) ? (int)$v : "\"". mpquot($v). "\"");
    				}, array_keys($where), array_values($where))));
    			}elseif(!$fdk = fdk($class, $where, $w = ($where + ($_POST ? $w : [])), $w)){ exit(mpre("Ошибка запроса к БД", $class, $where, $w));
    				if(array_key_exists("sort", $fdk) && ($fdk['sort'] == 0)){
    					$fdk = fdk($class, array("id"=>$fdk['id']), null, array("sort"=>$fdk['id']));
    				} if($_FILES) foreach($_FILES as $f=>$v){
    					$file_id = mpfid($class, $f, $fdk['id']);
    				}elseif($img = get($_POST, $f = 'img')){
    					$file_id = mphid($class, $f, $fdk['id'], $img);
    				} exit(json_encode($fdk));
    			$error = "Прав доступа {$arg['admin_access']} недостаточно для изменения данных";
    			mpevent("Аякс запрос /{$arg['modpath']}:{$class[0]}", $conf['user']['uid'], $error, $_REQUEST);
    		$error = "Недостаточно прав доступа";
    		mpevent("Аякс запрос /{$arg['modpath']}:{$class[0]}", $conf['user']['uid'], $error, $_REQUEST);
    	$error = "Не указана таблица";
    	mpevent("Аякс запрос /{$arg['modpath']}:{$class[0]}", $conf['user']['uid'], $error, $_REQUEST);


    inho, 26 Марта 2018

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  8. PHP / Говнокод #23992


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    class UserFixture extends ActiveFixture
        public function getDataMorozov() {
            return $this->getData();
        protected function getData() {

    Yii 2 fixtures. Называем костыли правильно

    kissarat, 25 Марта 2018

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  9. Objective C / Говнокод #23987


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    NSString* bodyParams = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"username=%@&password=%@&client_secret=very_secret", username, password];
    // Ниже по коду
    [request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
    [request setHTTPBody:[bodyParams dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];

    И ведь имя переменной не врёт

    Desktop, 23 Марта 2018

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  10. C++ / Говнокод #23980


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    class NTPTime {
    	static NTPTime getInvalidTime() { NTPTime t; t.setInvalid(); return t; }
    	NTPTime() : m_Time(0) {}
    	NTPTime(const uint64_t time) : m_Time(time) {}
    	NTPTime(const uint32_t sec, const uint32_t frac)
    	  : m_Time(0)
    		this->set(sec, frac);
    	NTPTime(const boost::posix_time::ptime& timestamp);
    public: // Assignment operators
    	NTPTime& operator=(const uint64_t u) { m_Time = u; return *this; }
    	NTPTime& operator+= (const NTPTime& Q) { m_Time += Q.m_Time; return *this; }
    	NTPTime& operator-= (const NTPTime& Q) { m_Time -= Q.m_Time; return *this; }
    public: // Cast operators
    	operator uint64_t() { return this->m_Time; }
    public: // comparison operators
    	bool operator==(const NTPTime& other) const { return (m_Time == other.m_Time); }
    	bool operator!=(const NTPTime& other) const { return (m_Time != other.m_Time); }
    	bool operator>=(const NTPTime& other) const { return (m_Time >= other.m_Time); }
    	bool operator>(const NTPTime& other) const { return (m_Time > other.m_Time); }
    	bool operator<=(const NTPTime& other) const { return (m_Time <= other.m_Time); }
    	bool operator<(const NTPTime& other) const { return (m_Time < other.m_Time); }
    public: // arithmetic operators
    	NTPTime operator+(const NTPTime& other) const
    		NTPTime result = *this;
    		result += other;
    		return result;
    	NTPTime operator-(const NTPTime& other) const
    		NTPTime result = *this;
    		result -= other;
    		return result;
    	uint32_t getSeconds() const { return ((uint32_t)(m_Time >> 32));}
    	uint32_t getFracSeconds() const { return ((uint32_t)(m_Time & 0xFFFFFFFF));}
    	uint32_t getMilliseconds() const { const uint64_t t = 1000*m_Time ; return (uint32_t)((t>>32)&0xFFFFFFFF);}
    	uint32_t getMicroseconds() const { const uint64_t t = 125*m_Time/536871; return (uint32_t)(t&0xFFFFFFFF);}
    	void getTime_s_us(uint32_t& sec, uint32_t& us) const { sec = getSeconds(); us = getFracSeconds()/4295;}
    	uint64_t getTime(void) const {return m_Time;}
    	/// set the time in seconds and microseconds (micros: 0..1000 0000)
    	///This routine uses the factorization: 2^32/10^6 = 4096 + 256 - 1825/32
    	void setTime_s_us(const uint32_t sec, const uint32_t us) { m_Time = ((uint64_t)sec<<32) | ((us<<12)-((us*1852)>>5)+(us<<8));}
    	void set(const uint64_t& u) {m_Time = u;}
    	void set(const uint32_t sec, const uint32_t frac)
    		m_Time = sec;
    		m_Time = m_Time<<32;
    		m_Time |= frac;
    	void setInvalid() { m_Time = uint64_t(NOT_A_DATE_TIME) << 32; }
    	/// 2^32/10^6 = 4096 + 256 - 1825/32
    	void setMicroseconds(const uint32_t u) { const uint64_t t = ((uint64_t)u * 1825) >> 5; m_Time = ((uint64_t)u << 12) + ((uint64_t)u << 8) - t;}
    	void setMicroseconds(const uint64_t u) { const uint64_t t = (u * 1825) >> 5; m_Time = (u << 12) + (u << 8) - t;}
    	void setMilliseconds(const uint32_t u) { m_Time = (uint64_t)u * 536870912 / 125;}
    	void addMilliseconds(const uint32_t u) { NTPTime t; t.setMilliseconds(u); *this += t;}
    	void addMicroseconds(const uint32_t u) { NTPTime t; t.setMicroseconds(u); *this += t;}
    	static double round(const double v);
    	static const double secondFractionNTPtoNanoseconds;
    	static const double nanosecondsToSecondFractionNTP;
    	static const uint32_t NOT_A_DATE_TIME;
    	static const uint64_t NOT_A_DATE_TIME64;
    	static const boost::posix_time::ptime m_epoch;
    	uint64_t m_Time; ///< NTP time in 1/2^32 seconds (~233 ps)
    }; // NTPTime

    Чуть г-на и несколько комментов удалил, чтоб влезло. Чтоб понятно было, m_Time хранит время в единицах 1/2^32 сек.

    elapidae, 22 Марта 2018

    Комментарии (17)