1. Си / Говнокод #25084


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    while (*str) {
          if (i >= n)
             return NULL;
          if (!(*str & 0x80))
             buffer[i++] = *str++;
          else if ((*str & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
             if (*str < 0xc2) return NULL;
             c = (*str++ & 0x1f) << 6;
             if ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80) return NULL;
             buffer[i++] = c + (*str++ & 0x3f);
          } else if ((*str & 0xf0) == 0xe0) {
             if (*str == 0xe0 && (str[1] < 0xa0 || str[1] > 0xbf)) return NULL;
             if (*str == 0xed && str[1] > 0x9f) return NULL; // str[1] < 0x80 is checked below
             c = (*str++ & 0x0f) << 12;
             if ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80) return NULL;
             c += (*str++ & 0x3f) << 6;
             if ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80) return NULL;
             buffer[i++] = c + (*str++ & 0x3f);
          } else if ((*str & 0xf8) == 0xf0) {
             if (*str > 0xf4) return NULL;
             if (*str == 0xf0 && (str[1] < 0x90 || str[1] > 0xbf)) return NULL;
             if (*str == 0xf4 && str[1] > 0x8f) return NULL; // str[1] < 0x80 is checked below
             c = (*str++ & 0x07) << 18;
             if ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80) return NULL;
             c += (*str++ & 0x3f) << 12;
             if ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80) return NULL;
             c += (*str++ & 0x3f) << 6;
             if ((*str & 0xc0) != 0x80) return NULL;
             c += (*str++ & 0x3f);
             // utf-8 encodings of values used in surrogate pairs are invalid
             if ((c & 0xFFFFF800) == 0xD800) return NULL;
             if (c >= 0x10000) {
                c -= 0x10000;
                if (i + 2 > n) return NULL;
                buffer[i++] = 0xD800 | (0x3ff & (c >> 10));
                buffer[i++] = 0xDC00 | (0x3ff & (c      ));
          } else
             return NULL;

    // Windows stupidly treats 8-bit filenames as some dopey code page,
    // rather than utf-8. If we want to use utf8 filenames, we have to
    // convert them to WCHAR explicitly and call WCHAR versions of the
    // file functions. So, ok, we do.

    govnokod3r, 13 Ноября 2018

    Комментарии (8)
  2. Си / Говнокод #25076


    1. 1
    m[7500];char*c=m+3750;char*main(int k,char**a,char*s){return!a?~k?k&&*s?main(k+(*s==91)-(*s==93),0,s+1):s:(*(c+=(*s==62)-(*s==60))+=(*s==43)-(*s==45),*s==44?*c=getchar():*s-46||putchar(*c),*s-93?*s-91?0:!*c?s=main(1,0,s+1)-1:main(-1,0,1+s--),1[s]&&main(-1,0,s+1):0):main(-1,0,1[a]);}

    ...Пройдя долиной ошибок и ворнингов,
    Не убоюсь я ошибок сегментации...

    666_N33D135, 10 Ноября 2018

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  3. Си / Говнокод #25064


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    #inclidr  <stdio.h>
    iny maon (vkid) {
        staric char nif[267];
        ryoeded cous prox(boid);
        whike (!fief(stdim)) {
            printd(">> ");
            peix *f = fgeys(vif, 156, dtdib);
        returb 0;

    666_N33D135, 08 Ноября 2018

    Комментарии (33)
  4. Си / Говнокод #25047


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #define PRIM_CAT_(a, ...) a ## __VA_ARGS__
    #define PRIM_CAT(...) PRIM_CAT_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define PRIM_JOIN(sep, a, ...) PRIM_CAT(PRIM_CAT(a, sep), __VA_ARGS__)
    #define PRIM_QUOTE_(...) # __VA_ARGS__
    #define PRIM_QUOTE(...) PRIM_QUOTE_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define PRIM_EAT(...) /* nothing */
    #define PRIM_EXPAND(...) __VA_ARGS__
    #define PRIM_HEAD_(x, ...) x
    #define PRIM_HEAD(...) PRIM_HEAD_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define PRIM_TAIL_(x, ...) __VA_ARGS__
    #define PRIM_TAIL(...) PRIM_TAIL_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define PRIM_CHECK(...) PRIM_CHECK_N(__VA_ARGS__, 0)
    #define PRIM_CHECK_N(x, n, ...) n
    #define PRIM_PROBE(x) x, 1
    #define PRIM_TEST(...) int main(){puts(PRIM_QUOTE(__VA_ARGS__)); return 0;}
    #define BOOL_COMPL(x) PRIM_CAT(BOOL_COMPL_, x)
    #define BOOL_COMPL_1 0
    #define BOOL_COMPL_0 1
    #define BOOL_NOT_0 PROBE(?)
    #define BOOL_AND(x, y) PRIM_CAT(BOOL_AND_, x)(y)
    #define BOOL_AND_0(x) 0
    #define BOOL_AND_1(x) x
    #define BOOL_OR(x, y) PRIM_CAT(BOOL_OR_, x)(y)
    #define BOOL_OR_1(x) 1
    #define BOOL_OR_0(x) x
    #define BOOL_XOR(x, y) PRIM_CAT(BOOL_XOR_, x)(y)
    #define BOOL_XOR_1(x) BOOL_COMPL(x)
    #define BOOL_XOR_0(x) x
    #define BOOL_EQ(x, y) BOOL_COMPL(BOOL_XOR(x, y))
    #define ARITH_ADD_(a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0,   b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0) \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a7, b7), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a6, b6), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a6, b6), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a5, b5), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a5, b5), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a4, b4), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a4, b4), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a3, b3), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a3, b3), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a2, b2), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a2, b2), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)))))))))))))), \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a6, b6), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a5, b5), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a5, b5), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a4, b4), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a4, b4), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a3, b3), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a3, b3), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a2, b2), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a2, b2), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)))))))))))), \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a5, b5), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a4, b4), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a4, b4), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a3, b3), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a3, b3), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a2, b2), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a2, b2), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)))))))))), \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a4, b4), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a3, b3), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a3, b3), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a2, b2), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a2, b2), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)))))))), \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a3, b3), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a2, b2), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a2, b2), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)))))), \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a2, b2), BOOL_OR(BOOL_AND(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)))), \
      BOOL_XOR(BOOL_XOR(a1, b1), BOOL_AND(a0, b0)), \
      BOOL_XOR(a0, b0)
    #define ARITH_ADD(...) ARITH_ADD_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define ARITH_INC_(b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0) ARITH_ADD(b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    #define ARITH_INC(...) ARITH_INC_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define ARITH_NEGATE_(b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0) ARITH_INC(BOOL_COMPL(b7), BOOL_COMPL(b6), BOOL_COMPL(b5), BOOL_COMPL(b4), BOOL_COMPL(b3), BOOL_COMPL(b2), BOOL_COMPL(b1), BOOL_COMPL(b0))
    #define ARITH_NEGATE(...) ARITH_NEGATE_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define ARITH_SUB_(a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0,  b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0) ARITH_ADD(a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, ARITH_NEGATE(b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0))
    #define ARITH_SUB(...) ARITH_SUB_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define ARITH_DEC_(a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0) ARITH_SUB(a7, a6, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    #define ARITH_DEC(...) ARITH_DEC_(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define ARITH_TO_C_NUMBER_(b7, b6, b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0) PRIM_CAT(0b, PRIM_CAT(b7, PRIM_CAT(b6, PRIM_CAT(b5, PRIM_CAT(b4, PRIM_CAT(b3, PRIM_CAT(b2, PRIM_CAT(b1, b0))))))))
        ARITH_TO_C_NUMBER(ARITH_ADD(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1, ARITH_INC(0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1))),

    А я всё не уймусь...


    adrnin, 02 Ноября 2018

    Комментарии (18)
  5. Си / Говнокод #25043


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    #include <stdio.h>
    //#include <ynopoTocTb.h>
    #define PRIMITIVE_CAT(a, ...) a ## __VA_ARGS__
    #define CAT(...) PRIMITIVE_CAT(__VA_ARGS__)
    #define EAT(...)
    #define EXPAND(...) __VA_ARGS__
    #define IIF(c) PRIMITIVE_CAT(IIF_, c)
    #define IIF_1(...) __VA_ARGS__ EAT
    #define IIF_0(...) EXPAND
    #define COMPL(x) PRIMITIVE_CAT(COMPL_, x)
    #define COMPL_1 0
    #define COMPL_0 1
    #define CHECK_N(x, n, ...) n
    #define CHECK(...) CHECK_N(__VA_ARGS__, 0)
    #define PROBE(x) x, 1
    #define NOT(x) CHECK(PRIMITIVE_CAT(NOT_, x))
    #define NOT_0 PROBE(~)
    #define BOOL(x) COMPL(NOT(x))
    #define IF(c) IIF(BOOL(c))
    #define EMPTY()
    #define DEFER(id) id EMPTY()
    #define OBSTRUCT(id) id DEFER(EMPTY)()
    #define  EVAL(...) EVAL1(EVAL1(EVAL1(EVAL1(__VA_ARGS__))))
    #define EVAL1(...) EVAL2(EVAL2(EVAL2(EVAL2(__VA_ARGS__))))
    #define EVAL2(...) EVAL3(EVAL3(EVAL3(EVAL3(__VA_ARGS__))))
    #define EVAL3(...) EVAL4(EVAL4(EVAL4(EVAL4(__VA_ARGS__))))
    #define EVAL4(...) EVAL5(EVAL5(EVAL5(EVAL5(__VA_ARGS__))))
    #define EVAL5(...) __VA_ARGS__
    #define DEC(x) PRIMITIVE_CAT(DEC_, x)
    #define DEC_0 0
    #define DEC_1 0
    #define DEC_2 1
    #define DEC_3 2
    #define DEC_4 3
    #define DEC_5 4
    #define DEC_6 5
    #define DEC_7 6
    #define DEC_8 7
    #define DEC_9 8
    #define FACTORIAL(x) \
      IF(NOT(x)) (1) \
      ( \
    #define PRIMITIVE_TO_STR(...) # __VA_ARGS__
    #define TO_STR(...) PRIMITIVE_TO_STR(__VA_ARGS__)
    int main() {
        printf("7! = " TO_STR(EVAL(FACTORIAL(7))) " = %d", EVAL(FACTORIAL(7)));
        return 0;

    Продолжаю макроёбить.

    Использованы материалы из стотьи

    adrnin, 01 Ноября 2018

    Комментарии (53)
  6. Си / Говнокод #25039


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    #ifndef MACRO_LIB
    #define MACRO_LIB
    #include <stdio.h>
    typedef void proc(void);
    #ifdef DEBUG
      #define TRACE printf
      #define TRACE(...)
    #ifdef TRACE_CALLS
      #define ON_ENTER_TRACE(name) char __CUR_FUNC_NAME__[] = #name; TRACE("<entering %s>", __CUR_FUNC_NAME__);
      #define ON_EXIT_TRACE(...) TRACE(__VA_ARGS__)
      #define ON_ENTER_TRACE(name) ;
      #define ON_EXIT_TRACE(...)
    #define def(type, name, ...) type name __VA_ARGS__ { ON_ENTER_TRACE(name)
    #define ret(ret_val) {ON_EXIT_TRACE("<leaving %s>", __CUR_FUNC_NAME__); return ret_val;}
    #define end(ret_val) ret(ret_val);}
    #define with(type, x, on_exit) { type __CUR_WITH_VAR__ = x; int (*__ON_EXIT__)() = (int(*)())on_exit;
    #define endwith __ON_EXIT__(__CUR_WITH_VAR__);}
    #define dup(d, ...) __VA_ARGS__ d __VA_ARGS__
    #define dupwithcomma(...) __VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__
    #ifdef I0
      #undef I0
      #if defined(I1) || defined(I2) || defined(I3)
        #include "chain.h"
        #undef ELEMENT
        #undef DELIMETER
      #ifdef I1
        #undef I1
        #define I0
        #include "chain.h"
        #ifdef I2
          #undef I2
          #define I1
          #define I0
          #include "chain.h"
          #ifdef I3
            #undef I3
            #define I2
            #define I1
            #define I0
            #include "chain.h"
    #define DEBUG
    #define TRACE_CALLS
    #include "macrolib.h"
    def(int, main, ())
      printf(dup(" ", "%s"), dupwithcomma("Чот мне понравилось макроёбить..."));
      FILE *f = fopen("file", "w");
      with(FILE*, f, fclose)
          #define ELEMENT "o"
          #define DELIMETER "l"
          #define I3
          #define I2
          #define I1
          #define I0
          #include "chain.h"
          , f

    Мне понравилось. то ещё можно намакроёбить? ;D

    adrnin, 30 Октября 2018

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  7. Си / Говнокод #25036


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #ifdef DEBUG
      #define TRACE printf
      #define TRACE(...)
    #define DEF(type, name, ...) type name __VA_ARGS__ { TRACE("<вызвали " #name ">");
    #define RET(name, ret_val) {TRACE("<" #name " не упала>"); return (ret_val);}
    #define END(name, ret_val) RET(name, ret_val);}
    DEF(int, main, (int argc, char **argv))
        puts("Моя супер-мего отладка ;D");
    END(main, 0)

    Моя супир-мего отладка ;D

    adrnin, 29 Октября 2018

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  8. Си / Говнокод #25028


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    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void) {
        return 0;


    Ололо, а я-то сразу и не понял в чём дело...

    adrnin, 27 Октября 2018

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  9. Си / Говнокод #25013


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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdalign.h>
    #include <inttypes.h>
    #include <string.h>
    float sum_f(const float arr[], const size_t len);
    int32_t sum_i32t(const int32_t arr[], const size_t len);
    #define sum(a, b) _Generic((a), float*:   sum_f, \
                                 const float*:   sum_f, \
                                 int32_t*: sum_i32t,\
                                 const int32_t*: sum_i32t)(a, b)
    // foldl (+) 0 arr
    float sum_f(const float arr[], const size_t len)
      return (len != 0) ? ( sum(arr+1, len-1) + arr[0] ) : 0;
    int32_t sum_i32t(const int32_t arr[], const size_t len)
      return (len != 0) ? ( sum(arr+1, len-1) + arr[0] ) : 0;
    enum { we_want_int, we_want_float } what_we_want;
    void test(int www)
      void *a;
      if (www == we_want_int)
        uint8_t buf[sizeof(int32_t[10])] __attribute__ ((aligned (alignof(int32_t[10]))));
        a = (void *) buf;
        memcpy ( a, (int32_t[10]){1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},
        printf("%" PRIi32 "\n", sum((int32_t *)a, 10));
      else if (www == we_want_float)
        uint8_t buf[sizeof(float[10])] __attribute__ ((aligned (alignof(float[10]))));
        a = (void *) buf;
        memcpy ( a, (float[10]){1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},
        printf("%f\n", sum((float *)a, 10));    
    int main(void)
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    j123123, 23 Октября 2018

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  10. Си / Говнокод #24870


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    struct masterRecord{ int 		Number; char 		Name[20]; char 		Surname[20]; char 		addres[30]; char 		TelNumber[15]; double  	indebtedness; double    	credit_limit;  double  	cash_payments; };
    	typedef  struct  masterRecord Data;
    	int main(void){
    		int choice = 0;	
    		void masterWrite(FILE *ofPTR, Data   Client       )  ,transactionWrite(FILE *ofPTR, Data transfer     )   ,      blackRecord(FILE *ofPTR, FILE  *ofPTR_2 , FILE *blackrecord , Data	 client_data  ,   Data transfer )                    ;
    		FILE *Ptr, *Ptr_2 , *blackrecord   ;
    	  	Data	 client_data,  transfer  ;
    	printf("%s", "please enter action\n1 enter data client:\n2 enter data transaction:\n3 update base\n" );
    			while (		scanf("%d", &choice )  !=  -1   )  {
    				switch(  choice  )  {
    				case	1:
    					Ptr = fopen("record.dat", "r+" );
    						if(Ptr == NULL ){
    						puts("Not acess");	
    							masterWrite(  Ptr , client_data);	
    				case    2:
    					Ptr = fopen("transaction.dat", "r+" );
    						if(Ptr == NULL ){
    						puts("Not acess");	
    						transactionWrite( Ptr, transfer     );
    				case    3:
    					Ptr = fopen( "record.dat", "r"  );
    					Ptr_2 = fopen("transaction.dat", "r" );
    					blackrecord = fopen("blackrecord.dat", "w" );	
    				if(	Ptr == NULL ||  	Ptr_2 == NULL ||  		blackRecord == NULL      ){
    					blackRecord( Ptr, Ptr_2 , blackrecord  , client_data  ,    transfer );
    					break ;
     	printf("%s", "please enter action\n1 enter data client:\n2 enter data transaction:\n3 update base\n" );
                return 0;	
    	void masterWrite(FILE *ofPTR , Data   Client       )  {
    				"1 Number account: ",
    				"2 Client name: ",
    				"3 Surname: ",
    				"4 Addres client: ",
    				"5 Client Telnum: ",
    				"6 Client indebtedness: ",
    				"7 Client credit limit: ",
    				"8 Client cash payments: " );
    		while(  scanf("%d%s%s%s%s%lf%lf%lf", &Client.Number, Client.Name, Client.Surname, Client.addres, Client.TelNumber, &Client.indebtedness,	&Client.credit_limit ,	&Client.cash_payments    ) != -1     ){
    		fprintf( ofPTR, "%-12d%-11s%-11s%-16s%20s%12.2f%12.2f%12.2f\n", Client.Number, Client.Name, Client.Surname, Client.addres, Client.TelNumber, Client.indebtedness,	Client.credit_limit ,		 	Client.cash_payments    ) ;
    				"1 Number account: ",
    				"2 Client name: ",
    				"3 Surname: ",
    				"4 Addres client: ",
    				"5 Client Telnum: ",
    				"6 Client indebtedness: ",
    				"7 Client credit limit: ",
    				"9 Client cash payments:"
    				} }
           void transactionWrite(FILE *ofPtr, Data transfer     ){
    			"1 Number account: ",
    			"2 Client cash payments: ");
    			while(scanf("%d %lf" , &transfer.Number  , &transfer.cash_payments )   != -1      ){
    				fprintf( ofPtr, "%-3d%-6.2f\n", transfer.Number, 		transfer.cash_payments    ) ;
    						"1 Number account:",
    						"2 Client cash payments: "
    			} }
       void blackRecord(FILE *ofPTR, FILE  *ofPTR_2 , FILE *blackrecord , Data	 client_data  ,   Data transfer ){
    	while(fscanf( 	ofPTR  , "%d%s%s%s%s%lf%lf%lf",  &client_data.Number ,  client_data.Name  , client_data.Surname   , client_data.addres, client_data.TelNumber, &client_data.indebtedness, &client_data.credit_limit, &client_data.cash_payments)   != -1 )  {
    			while (	fscanf(	ofPTR_2 , "%d %lf",  &transfer.Number , &transfer.cash_payments       ) 	  !=  -1 ){
    					if(     client_data.Number     ==   transfer.Number   &&  transfer.cash_payments != 0         ){
    						client_data.credit_limit += transfer.cash_payments;
    			fprintf(blackrecord   ,"%-12d%-11s%-11s%-16s%20s%12.2f%12.2f%12.2f\n", client_data.Number, client_data.Name, client_data.Surname, client_data.addres, client_data.TelNumber, client_data.indebtedness,	client_data.credit_limit ,  client_data.cash_payments    ) ;
    			rewind(	ofPTR_2 );
    		} }

    В новом Сорокине мне больше всего понравились "Фиолетовые лебеди".

    tyrin, 07 Октября 2018

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