1. Куча / Говнокод #26332


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    Вчерась обнаружил в списке стандартных программ "Ножницы"
    Это скринго, если кто не знает.

    Ёбля с PrintWindow, BitBlt и GetDC была напрасной.

    MEJlOMAH, 09 Января 2020

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  2. Куча / Говнокод #26329


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    0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  a b  c d  e f
    00800060: 424f 4f54 2020 2020 4249 4e20 0057 7a99  BOOT    BIN .Wz.             
    00800070: 954f 2250 0000 1c87 954f 0700 bc00 0000  .O"P.....O......
    file boot.bin
    00828000: - file start (0c94 3400 0c94 3e00 0c94 3e00 0c94 3e00)

    Lis, 08 Января 2020

    Комментарии (20)
  3. Куча / Говнокод #26327


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    См. что пишут на лОре:
    "... на сайте царила приятная атмосфера олдскульности, а контент был не хуже, чем на Хабре. [...]
     неадекватный человек, который много лет спамит и оскорбляет участников. Из -за него а также из-за бездействия админа ушли многие участники и сайт запустел :("

    AnalBoy, 07 Января 2020

    Комментарии (10)
  4. Куча / Говнокод #26307


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    Поздравьте, прямо сейчас работаю над этим:

    Полюбому надо поработать пыхомакакой по старой памяти для друга.
    Делаю это, уже пожалуй, что и с ностальгией.
    Буду подкармливать говнецом по ходу работы.

    vistefan, 04 Января 2020

    Комментарии (26)
  5. Куча / Говнокод #26301


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    А кто чем занимается в жизни помимо сидения за компом и лежанием на диване?

    Я ничем, и осознаю, что это очень хуёво.

    BJlADuMuPCKuu_nemxy, 02 Января 2020

    Комментарии (211)
  6. Куча / Говнокод #26298


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    Новый год по владимирскому времени! Всех с.

    Больше говнокодов в новом году.

    BJlADuMuPCKuu_nemyx, 01 Января 2020

    Комментарии (156)
  7. Куча / Говнокод #26287


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    <vistefan> In recently installed Manjaro i have this (https://imgur.com/a/e0Prjez) instead of proper AwesomeWM menu called by Super button. Any Ideas? Tried to install additional fonts. Locales are correct.
    <HEX0> !give vistefan manjaro
    <phrik> vistefan: manjaro does things differently from arch, so we can't really support it. ask in #manjaro or ##linux
    <SGOrava> vistefan: you would be fine as long as you do not mention other distributions and pretend to be using Arch, is it that hard ? Even I do that :D
    <SGOrava> vistefan: My idea is that you are missing some fonts or locale...
    <vistefan> SGOrava, :D
    <Scimmia> !give SGOrava notarch
    <phrik> SGOrava: This channel is for Arch Linux support only. Also see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Code_of_conduct#Arch_Linux_distribution_support_.2Aonly.2A
    <thingfish> you're better off being up front, from the beginning about what you're running.
    <Scimmia> seriously, we don't want you here if you're going to act like a total piece of shit
    <SGOrava> Scimmia: I know sure, but as long as one knows what one can ask here than it is fine
    <Scimmia> no, it's not
    <Scimmia> at all
    <SGOrava> how is it not ?
    <Scimmia> If you're not on Arch, it's not OK, end of story
    <SGOrava> what is wrong with that when one wants to ask a question 
    <Namarrgon> lying about your distro? ban
    <Scimmia> and asking here implies it's Arch, so knowing the rules and asking anyway is lying
    <SGOrava> why be so pedantic ?
    <Namarrgon> we don't like liars
    <SGOrava> that is why I said one needs to know what belongs here and what does not
    <thingfish> people who help in here have a hard enough time supporting actual Arch users.  They don't need to be wasting their time chasing down some issue for other distros, which should have their own support channels.
    <Namarrgon> support for other distros does not belong here
    <SGOrava> Namarrgon: peopúle lie everyday just to survive
    <Namarrgon> that's a shitty excuse
    <cyveris> That's a shitty person.
    <SGOrava> why are you so hostile ?
    <Namarrgon> if you don't like our rules then you there are plenty of other channels that you can join
    <thingfish> because you don't seem to have a clue, dude.
    <Namarrgon> SGOrava: because you are telling other people to lie to the community just to get support
    <SGOrava> I am not, I am telling them to distinguish where the problem is and ask at the source
    <demonicmaniac3> 21:14 < SGOrava> vistefan: you would be fine as long as you do not mention other distributions and pretend to be using Arch, is it that hard ?
    <Scimmia> and if it's not Arch, the problem is not here
    <demonicmaniac3> you are telling them to pretend to use arch when they ask questions
    <Scimmia> SGOrava: sounds like you aren't running arch...
    <SGOrava> I am running Arch, half of the packages comes from Arch repos, so I run Arch
    <Scimmia> So that's a no
    <thingfish> aargh
    <HEX0> !roulette
    * phrik has kicked HEX0 from #archlinux (BANG!)
    <Scimmia> !give SGOrava notarch
    <cyveris> Bold move, cotton.
    * phrik reloads and spins the chambers.
    <phrik> SGOrava: This channel is for Arch Linux support only. Also see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Code_of_conduct#Arch_Linux_distribution_support_.2Aonly.2A
    <SGOrava> how is it a no ?
    <Scimmia> SGOrava: where do the other half come from?
    <SGOrava> Scimmia: you still would not care
    <Scimmia> yep, not Arch
    <SGOrava> I know what to ask where (mostly)
    <Scimmia> if you're asking here about anything at all, you obviously don't
    <SGOrava> ??
    <Namarrgon> SGOrava: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Code_of_conduct#Arch_Linux_distribution_support_*only*
    <phrik> Title: Code of conduct - ArchWiki (at wiki.archlinux.org)
    * HEX0 (~HEX0@unaffiliated/hex0) has joined
    <Namarrgon> you can use whatever distro you want but that doesn't mean that we have to put up with your nonsense
    <cyveris> SGOrava: You're not using Arch Linux. You're using some derivative. Hence, this is not the channel for you, and now that everyone here knows you advocate for lying about it to get help, no one will help you.
    <SGOrava> Namarrgon: sorry, it is too long
    <Namarrgon> alright
    <SGOrava> cyveris: nope, it is channel for me when I have problems which are sourced from Arch
    <Scimmia> SGOrava: and now that you know the rules, ask here and get banned
    <SGOrava> Scimmia: what should I ask ?
    <cyveris> And here we go.
    <SGOrava> cyveris: you said I should ask something, so think about it
    <HEX0> stop talking and install arch linux while you can

    vistefan, 29 Декабря 2019

    Комментарии (96)
  8. Куча / Говнокод #26282


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    "Это гениально! И, причём, для настоящих ценителей художественной литературы", - заявил Бот, и после этого

    bot, 27 Декабря 2019

    Комментарии (56)
  9. Куча / Говнокод #26281


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    Пидарас, ты забанил много моих учеток, в т.ч. Барака Обаму, при этом в упор не увидев шпану, вроде петухов и борманда.

    Никогда тебе этого не прощу!

    Bad_Wolf, 27 Декабря 2019

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  10. Куча / Говнокод #26279


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    Воцарилась над вами, проверьте.

    Jll-O6OBb, 26 Декабря 2019

    Комментарии (5)