1. Список говнокодов пользователя Shiz89

    Всего: 8

  2. PHP / Говнокод #6282


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    		$price_st = mysql_query("select price from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and  ves_do>= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_st' limit 1");
    		$price_st = mysql_result($price_st, 0);
    		$minprice_st = mysql_query("select minprice from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and ves_do >= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_st' limit 1");
    		$minprice_st = mysql_result($minprice_st, 0);
    		$time_st = mysql_query("select time from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and ves_do >= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_st' limit 1");
    		$time_st = mysql_result($time_st, 0);
    		$price_ex = mysql_query("select price from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and  ves_do>= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_ex' limit 1");
    		$price_ex = mysql_result($price_ex, 0);
    		$minprice_ex = mysql_query("select minprice from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and ves_do >= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_ex' limit 1");
    		$minprice_ex = mysql_result($minprice_ex, 0);
    		$time_ex = mysql_query("select time from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and ves_do >= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_ex' limit 1");
    		$time_ex = mysql_result($time_ex, 0);
    		$price_pallet = mysql_query("select price from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$pallets' and  ves_do>= '$pallets' and `type`='$type_rit' limit 1");
    		$price_pallet = mysql_result($price_pallet, 0);
    		$time_pallet = mysql_query("select time from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$pallets' and ves_do >= '$pallets' and `type`='$type_rit' limit 1");
    		$time_pallet = mysql_result($time_pallet, 0);
    		if ($start==getIdCity('Москва')){
    			if ($volume*167>$weight){
    				$kol_av = $volume*167;
    				$kol_av = $weight;
    			$price_av = mysql_query("select price from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and  ves_do>= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_av' limit 1");
    			$price_av = mysql_result($price_av, 0);
    			$minprice_av = mysql_query("select minprice from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and ves_do >= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_av' limit 1");
    			$minprice_av = mysql_result($minprice_av, 0);
    			$time_av = mysql_query("select time from db_tarif where `from` = '$start' and `to` = '$finish' and ves_ot <= '$izmer' and ves_do >= '$izmer' and `type`='$type_av' limit 1");
    			$time_av = mysql_result($time_av, 0);
    			$cost_av = "Тариф недоступен";

    калькулятор стоимости перевозки

    Shiz89, 08 Апреля 2011

    Комментарии (1)
  3. PHP / Говнокод #4879


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    if ($_GET)
    if (!empty($_GET['kol'])) {$k=$_GET['kol'];}
    else $k=1;
    if (!empty($_GET['diametr'])) {$d=$_GET['diametr'];}
    else $d=1;
    if (!empty($_GET['zaves'])) {$z=$_GET['zaves'];}
    else $z=1;
    	if (!empty($_GET['rasst'])) {$r=$_GET['rasst']; }
    		else $r=1;
    	if (!empty($_GET['terra'])) {$t=$_GET['terra']; }
    	else $t=1; }
    else {$r=1;$t=1;}
    echo "<b><center>";
    switch ($d):
     case "10": $sum*=500;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     case "20": $sum*=1000;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     case "30": $sum*=2000;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     case "40": $sum*=3000;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     case "50": $sum*=3500;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     case "60": $sum*=4000;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     case "70": $sum*=4500;echo "примерная стоимость".$sum."рублей"; break;
     default: echo 'требуется консультация по телефону :)';
     echo "</b></center>";

    Shiz89, 09 Декабря 2010

    Комментарии (23)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #4662


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    } else {
        echo 'без ';
    else {
        echo 'без ';
    }else {
        echo 'без ';
    echo " ";

    Код из проекта на CakePHP
    __() - функция для локализации термина

    Shiz89, 17 Ноября 2010

    Комментарии (8)
  5. PHP / Говнокод #4533


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    function get_rand_symbols($numeric) { 
       if($numeric == '1') { return 'п'; }
       if($numeric == '2') { return 'р'; }
       if($numeric == '3') { return 'о'; }
       if($numeric == '4') { return 'к'; }
       if($numeric == '5') { return 'е'; }
       if($numeric == '6') { return 'а'; }
       if($numeric == '7') { return 'д'; }
       if($numeric == '8') { return 'е'; }
       if($numeric == '9') { return 'й'; }
       if($numeric == '10') { return 'в'; }
       if($numeric == '11') { return 'м'; }
       if($numeric == '12') { return 'л'; }
       if($numeric == '13') { return 'с'; }
       if($numeric == '14') { return 'т'; }
       if($numeric == '15') { return 'у'; }
       if($numeric == '16') { return 'н'; }
       if($numeric == '17') { return 'ш'; }
       if($numeric == '18') { return 'х'; }
       if($numeric == '19') { return 'щ'; }
       if($numeric == '20') { return 'ъ'; }
       if($numeric == '21') { return 'ю'; }
       if($numeric == '22') { return 'б'; }
       if($numeric == '23') { return 'я'; }
       if($numeric == '24') { return 'ц'; }
       if($numeric == '25') { return 'ч'; }
       if($numeric == '26') { return 'ё'; }
       if($numeric == '27') { return 'э'; }
       if($numeric == '28') { return 'з'; }
       if($numeric == '29') { return 'и'; }
       if($numeric == '30') { return 'ы'; }
      function all_rand() {
      return get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30)).get_rand_symbols(rand(1, 30));

    случайная строка с русскими символами

    Shiz89, 04 Ноября 2010

    Комментарии (165)
  6. C++ / Говнокод #3430


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    double** QRSLAU_check(matrix n1, matrix n0, double eps){
        double** x;
        x = (double**) calloc(2,sizeof(double*));
        x[0]= (double*) calloc(n1.i,sizeof(double));
        x[1]=(double*) calloc(n1.i,sizeof(double));
        for (int a=0; a<n1.i; a++){ x[0][a]=1; x[1][a]=1;}
        for (int a=0; a<n1.i; a++)
            for (int b=a+1; b<n1.i; b++)
                if(n1.M[b][a]>eps || n1.M[b][a]<-eps) x[0][a]=0;
        for (int a=0; a<n1.i-1; a++)
            if(((n1.M[a][a]+n1.M[a+1][a+1])-(n0.M[a][a]+ n0.M[a+1][a+1]))>eps ||
               ((n1.M[a][a]+n1.M[a+1][a+1])-(n0.M[a][a]+ n0.M[a+1][a+1])) <-eps ||
               ((sqrt(-(n1.M[a][a]*n1.M[a][a]+ n1.M[a+1][a+1]*n1.M[a+1][a+1]-2*n1.M[a+1][a+1]*n1.M[a][a]+4*n1.M[a][a+1]*n1.M[a+1][a])))-
                (sqrt(-(n0.M[a][a]*n0.M[a][a]+ n0.M[a+1][a+1]*n0.M[a+1][a+1]-2*n0.M[a+1][a+1]*n0.M[a][a]+4*n0.M[a][a+1]*n0.M[a+1][a]))))>eps ||
               ((sqrt(-(n1.M[a][a]*n1.M[a][a]+ n1.M[a+1][a+1]*n1.M[a+1][a+1]-2*n1.M[a+1][a+1]*n1.M[a][a]+4*n1.M[a][a+1]*n1.M[a+1][a])))-
                (sqrt(-(n0.M[a][a]*n0.M[a][a]+ n0.M[a+1][a+1]*n0.M[a+1][a+1]-2*n0.M[a+1][a+1]*n0.M[a][a]+4*n0.M[a][a+1]*n0.M[a+1][a]))))<-eps){
        else a++;
        return x;

    какая-та штука для QR-алгоритма и поиска собственных значений

    Shiz89, 09 Июня 2010

    Комментарии (10)
  7. PHP / Говнокод #3062


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    Чтобы наверняка

    Shiz89, 21 Апреля 2010

    Комментарии (20)
  8. PHP / Говнокод #2955


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    foreach($faculty['Chair'] as $currChair)
    echo $AmountOfChairs;

    Shiz89, 07 Апреля 2010

    Комментарии (23)
  9. PHP / Говнокод #2699


    1. 1

    Shiz89, 01 Марта 2010

    Комментарии (12)