1. Список говнокодов пользователя andrejlr

    Всего: 5

  2. Ruby / Говнокод #17095


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    @old_article_purchase.old_article.warehouse_placement = '102A1'
    if @old_article_purchase.old_article.valid?

    andrejlr, 12 Ноября 2014

    Комментарии (2)
  3. Ruby / Говнокод #16072


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    it 'traders email should be nil' do
       trader = FactoryGirl.create(:trader, :email => nil)
       trader.email.should be nil

    captain obvious test

    andrejlr, 28 Мая 2014

    Комментарии (6)
  4. PHP / Говнокод #8323


    1. 1
    echo str_repeat('<br />', 25);

    Делаем правильные отступы

    andrejlr, 27 Октября 2011

    Комментарии (10)
  5. PHP / Говнокод #8197


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    		<script type="application/json">
    			"remoteURL" : "/index.php?module=User&controller=Ajax_Group",
    			"saveState" : true,
    				"entriesTotal": {$amountGroups},
    				"entriesPage": {$itemsPerPage},
    				"activePage": {$activePage}
    					"dataType": "string"
    					"dataType": "string"
    				"searchCols": [ "title", "description" ],
    				"activeSearch": "{addcslashes( $searchTerm, '"' )}",
    				"minSearchLength" : {$searchMinWordLength}
    				"sortCols": [ "title", "description" ],
    					"column": "{$sortColumn}",
    					"sortDir" : "{$sortDirection}"
    				"defaultAction": [ "{Common_Image_Icon_Ajax::EDIT}" ]
    		{foreach $Groups as $Group}
    		{$group_id = $Group->getGroup_Id()}
    			{if $rightToExport}
    			<td class="selector"><input type="checkbox" name="checkedGroups[]" value="{$group_id}"></td>
    			{if $rightEdit || $rightDelete || $rightMail}
    			<td class="actions">
    				{Common_Image_Icon_Overlay::fetchIcon(Common_Image_Icon::EDIT, _( 'Edit' ), Common_Http_Query::fetch( ['module' => 'User', 'controller' => 'Overlay_Group', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $Group->getGroup_Id()] ))}
    				{if $rightDelete}
    				{$sql = "SELECT assessment_id FROM cobit_assessments WHERE usergroup_id = {$Group->getGroup_Id()} LIMIT 0,1"}
    				{$MySqlI = DatabaseConnector::getConnector()}
    				{$Result = $MySqlI->query( $sql )}
    				{if !( is_object( $Result ) and $Result->getNumRows() > 0 )}
    				{Common_Image_Icon_Ajax::fetchDelete( _( 'Delete' ), _( 'Do you really want to delete this Group?' ), Common_Http_Query::fetch( ['module' => 'User', 'controller' => 'Ajax_Group', 'action' => 'delete', 'id' => $Group->getGroup_Id()] ), $Group->getGroup_Id() )}
    				{Common_Image_Icon::fetchIcon(Common_Image_Icon::INFO, _("User Group is not deletable, because it is in use."))}
    				{if $rightMail}
    				{$sJavaScriptAction = Common_Event_Trigger_Overlay::fetch( Common_Event_Trigger_Overlay::OPEN, [ 'url' => "/index.php?module=User&controller=Overlay_Group&action=sendGroupMail&id={$Group->getGroup_Id()}"] )}
    				{Common_Image_Icon_Ajax::fetchIcon( Common_Image_Icon_Ajax::EMAIL, _('Send mail'), $sJavaScriptAction)}

    Smarty Ajax SQL Table
    Как все таки вставить SQL в Smarty.

    andrejlr, 14 Октября 2011

    Комментарии (9)
  6. PHP / Говнокод #8144


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    $sql = "SELECT aps.* FROM apps_applicationinterfaceincoming aps
    WHERE aps.applicationid = '$id' ORDER BY aps.name ASC";
                           $Result = $Database->query( $sql );
                           foreach( $Result as $aResult )
                                   $editIcon = Common_Image_Icon_Overlay::fetchIcon(
    Common_Image_Icon_Overlay::EDIT, _('Edit interface' ),
                                   $deleteIcon = Common_Image_Icon_Ajax::fetch(
    Common_Image_Icon_Ajax::DELETE, array( 'aLinkAttributes' => array(
    'onclick' => "new Browser.Http.Ajax.Updater( '#interfacein',
    '/apps/interfacein_ajax.php?action=remove&id={$aResult['id']}' );" ) )
                                   $html .= <<<EOF
                                                           <td class="actions">{$editIcon} {$deleteIcon}</td>
                           $html .= <<<EOF

    PHP Bestpractice php + sql + html + js in one file
    или даэже in one String.

    ... 800 строк в том же духе. (толко в етом файле)

    andrejlr, 10 Октября 2011

    Комментарии (16)