1. Python / Говнокод #25986


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    class Container:
        def __init__(self, liquid):
            self.liquid = liquid
        def look_inside(self):
            return f"{self.liquid} in container"
        def create_with(cls, liquid):
            return cls(liquid)
    class Bottle(Container):
        def look_inside(self):
            return f"bottle full of {self.liquid}"
    class Glass(Container):
        def look_inside(self):
            return f"A glass of {self.liquid}"
    for c in (c.create_with("beer") for c in [Glass, Bottle]):

    ми маємо class polymorphism

    Запостил: DypHuu_niBEHb, 23 Октября 2019

    Комментарии (8) RSS

    • SEO: class polymorphism
    • <?php
      class Container {
          public $liquid;
          function __construct($liquid) {
              $this->liquid = $liquid;
          function look_inside() {
              return "{$this->liquid} in container";
          static function create_with($cls, $liquid) {
              return new $cls($liquid);
      class Bottle extends Container {
          function look_inside() {
              return "bottle full of {$this->liquid}";
      class Glass extends Container {
          function look_inside() {
              return "A glass of {$this->liquid}";
      foreach(['Glass', 'Bottle'] as $c) {
          echo Container::create_with($c, 'beer')->look_inside() . PHP_EOL;


      Вместо метода create_with можно вообще определить __toString, тогда в цикле достаточно будет echo Container::create_with($c, 'beer').
      • https://wandbox.org/permlink/WLtO0L7QL6rhtvIs
        #include <string>
        #include <iostream>
        #include <tuple>
        struct Container {
          std::string look_inside() const {
            return liquid + " in container";
          template <typename Cont>
          static Cont create_with(std::string liquid) {
            return Cont{liquid};
          std::string liquid;
        struct Bottle : Container {
          std::string look_inside() const {
            return "bottle full of " + liquid;
        struct Glass : Container {
          std::string look_inside() const {
            return "A glass of " + liquid; 
        template <typename T>
        struct Type {
          using type = T;
        int main() {
          std::apply([](auto... metatypes) {
            auto print = [](auto metatype) {
              using type = typename decltype(metatype)::type;
              std::cout << type::template create_with<type>("beer").look_inside() << '\n';
            (print(metatypes), ...);
          }, std::tuple{Type<Glass>{}, Type<Bottle>{}});
        • показать все, что скрытоvanished
          • boost::beast::static_string не умеет в constexpr, но clang порешал: https://godbolt.org/z/OLiDt7
            main:                                   # @main
                    sub     rsp, 40
                    mov     qword ptr [rsp], 15
                    lea     rdi, [rsp + 8]
                    movabs  rax, 2338339493803139137
                    mov     qword ptr [rsp + 8], rax
                    movabs  rax, 8243106165096345376
                    mov     qword ptr [rsp + 15], rax
                    mov     byte ptr [rsp + 23], 0
                    call    puts
                    mov     qword ptr [rsp], 19
                    lea     rdi, [rsp + 8]
                    movabs  rax, 7358993307608051554
                    mov     qword ptr [rsp + 8], rax
                    movabs  rax, 2334675641886864742
                    mov     qword ptr [rsp + 15], rax
                    mov     dword ptr [rsp + 23], 1919247714
                    mov     byte ptr [rsp + 27], 0
                    call    puts
                    xor     eax, eax
                    add     rsp, 40

            #include <string_view>
            #include <tuple>
            #include <cstdio>
            #include <boost/beast/core/static_string.hpp>
            using boost::beast::static_string;
            struct Container {
              auto look_inside() const {
                return static_string<30>(liquid) += " in container";
              template <typename Cont>
              constexpr static Cont create_with(std::string_view liquid) {
                return Cont{static_string<30>{liquid.data(), liquid.size()}};
              static_string<10> liquid;
            struct Bottle : Container {
              auto look_inside() const {
                return static_string<30>("bottle full of ") += liquid;
            struct Glass : Container {
              auto look_inside() const {
                return static_string<30>("A glass of ") += liquid; 
            template <typename T>
            struct Type {
              using type = T;
            int main() {
              std::apply([](auto... metatypes) {
                auto print = [](auto metatype) {
                  using type = typename decltype(metatype)::type;
                  printf("%s\n", type::template create_with<type>("beer").look_inside().c_str());
                (print(metatypes), ...);
              }, std::tuple{Type<Glass>{}, Type<Bottle>{}});
    • А де, власне, лайно?

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